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Acetone Based

Acetone Based

Ten Second Color (TSC) and Speed Color (SC)  are acetone based stain. It must be diluted with acetone and is typically sprayed on with an aerosol sprayer or a solvent-proof pump sprayer. They bond to the top pores of the concrete and are very color specific. They dries quite literally in approximately 10 seconds, so faux finishing is not an ideal option with this stain. You can use an HVLP sprayer or an aerosol sprayer for shading, accenting and highlighting. Proper surface prep is vitally important to the success of application. Can be used on exterior or well-ventilated interior concrete.


Sealer recommendations will be based on application area.


Interior Residential:  Typical sealer would be the Concrete Resurrection CR-515 Inside Acrylic.  This is a water based, low odor sealer with a low to medium gloss.  Floor Finish is recommended to go over the cured sealer.  Either the CR-520 Inside Floor Finish or the CR-520M Matte Inside Floor Finish (will matte our the floor to make a low/no gloss finish)


Exterior Driveway or Patio:  Concrete Resurrection Outside Acrylic Sealer (CR-561).  This is a solvent based sealer with UV absorbers to help protect the longevity of your stain.  The finish is a low gloss but our matte additive can be used in the second coat if a matte finish is desired.


For commercial or high gloss High Gloss Urethane is recommended - or you can contact us to discuss your application needs and we can help you determine the best route.